The foregoing article constitutes an attempt at analyzing the principal idea of Boris Poplavskij’s artistic output, i.e. the so-called “romance with God”. The subject of our scientific investigations is mainly the contents of that talented poet’sdiaries, as well as of his critical articles and letters, on the basis of which we tried to outline the spiritual silhouette of the author of Флаги (Flags), showing his attitude to God and religion. Analysis of the listed sources revealed the poet’s internal – spiritual and existential drama, mainly resulting from his religious syncretism (the Orthodox faith, esotericism, mysticism). It was established that the writer, after his Gnostic mentors, rejects the principle of the good God, who, in his con...
1. Гордієнко К. О. Самоактуалізація студентів та ефективність їхньої соціально-психологічної адаптац...
• А. Баранов. Типы знаний и семантика общих вопросов в русском языке • A.N.Baranov. Types of knowle...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”In this article is discussed about the critical role ...
A new species, Delphinium polozhiae A.L. Ebel sp. nov., is described from South Siberia. It occurs i...
Development of a simplified method of estimation of deformation processing of central z...
Rezumat Asistenţa stomatologică de ambulatoriu este cea mai reprezentativă în acordarea serviciilo...
The article is devoted to non-standard syntagmatics in B. Pasternak’s and R. Baradulin’s lyrics. Lex...
The article studies V. V. Rozanov’s perception of Lermontov and Rozanov’s modernist concept of Russi...
Проведено исследование предпринимательской деятельности гильдии "новгородских гостей" в XV веке
1. Natalia A. Yemashova, Valentina P. Murygina, Dmitry V. Zhukov, Arpenik A. Zakharyantz, MarinaA. ...
Abstract In the third part of a series of articles on the history of the development of local anest...
The article is devoted to solve the issue of increasing of efficiency of using of local cucurbits cr...
The article describes the experience of training the members of students rescue team and the first a...
1. Krasilnikov I. V. Bacteriofhage based preparations: a brief survey of current state and future d...
On the base of statistic definition of the maps of underground mining in Western Donbass and using...
1. Гордієнко К. О. Самоактуалізація студентів та ефективність їхньої соціально-психологічної адаптац...
• А. Баранов. Типы знаний и семантика общих вопросов в русском языке • A.N.Baranov. Types of knowle...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”In this article is discussed about the critical role ...
A new species, Delphinium polozhiae A.L. Ebel sp. nov., is described from South Siberia. It occurs i...
Development of a simplified method of estimation of deformation processing of central z...
Rezumat Asistenţa stomatologică de ambulatoriu este cea mai reprezentativă în acordarea serviciilo...
The article is devoted to non-standard syntagmatics in B. Pasternak’s and R. Baradulin’s lyrics. Lex...
The article studies V. V. Rozanov’s perception of Lermontov and Rozanov’s modernist concept of Russi...
Проведено исследование предпринимательской деятельности гильдии "новгородских гостей" в XV веке
1. Natalia A. Yemashova, Valentina P. Murygina, Dmitry V. Zhukov, Arpenik A. Zakharyantz, MarinaA. ...
Abstract In the third part of a series of articles on the history of the development of local anest...
The article is devoted to solve the issue of increasing of efficiency of using of local cucurbits cr...
The article describes the experience of training the members of students rescue team and the first a...
1. Krasilnikov I. V. Bacteriofhage based preparations: a brief survey of current state and future d...
On the base of statistic definition of the maps of underground mining in Western Donbass and using...
1. Гордієнко К. О. Самоактуалізація студентів та ефективність їхньої соціально-психологічної адаптац...
• А. Баранов. Типы знаний и семантика общих вопросов в русском языке • A.N.Baranov. Types of knowle...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”In this article is discussed about the critical role ...